J2T Financial Recruiting Corporate Community Engagement

J2T Women's Networking Events
Julie’s passion for women in business and belief that rich relationships are the fabric of who we are laid the groundwork for J2T’s Women’s Networking Events. Hosted monthly, these are wildly popular—and always spirited, dynamic, and honest. They bring the best of the best in Denver and Boulder’s finance community together for a roundtable, facilitated by industry. Topics to date have covered Millennials, compensation and understanding your worth in the market, and creating a seat at the table.
+ Check out our Events page for the next Women’s Networking Event near you

American Lung Association
Melissa's passion extends beyond her career into the areas of health and art. Melissa is an active member of the American Lung Association Board, Colorado Chapter. We all need to breath and we want to breath clean air and the ALA provides critical research to help treat and prevent lung disease and other lung-related health issues. They also have a Clean Air Task Force that has been critical in improving air quality and overall lung health for people nationwide, lessening the chance of non-smokers developing lung disease as well.
+ If you'd like to learn more about ALA or upcoming events, visit the Colorado Chapter of The American Lung Association

Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver

Volunteering with organizations that align with J2T’s core purpose and core values is a must for this team. Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver enriches lives each day by bringing people together to build affordable homes and lift up communities. These volunteer days help J2T develop rich relationships with each other and within the Denver community.
+ To learn more, please visit Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver

J2T Financial Recruiting Individual Engagement

The Denver Hospice
Julie’s father and co-founder of J2T passed away from pancreatic cancer in 2004. Julie was privileged to have been with her father when he passed peacefully. This experience was the foundation for her desire to work closely with patients at end of life and volunteer with The Denver Hospice. Hospice care provides comfort to terminally ill patients who have stopped medical treatment and their family. The heart of this specialized care is the belief that every individual has the right to die pain-free and with dignity.
+ To learn more visit The Denver Hospice

University of Denver
Daniels College of Business
As a University of Denver Alum, Molly joined DU’s Accountancy Alumni Engagement Council this past year. As an active member, she serves as the chair for the Alumni Engagement Sub-committee that is tasked with connecting accounting alumni, supporting and attending on-campus events, and has recently become a student mentor. Molly enjoys getting back on campus, giving back to DU and spending time with her fellow accounting alum.
+ For more information, please visit The School of Accountancy at DU

Dumb Friends League
We all love animals here at J2T but Monica’s passion for our furry four-legged friends goes above and beyond. She recently adopted her cat Ka$h from the Denver Dumb Friends League and can be spotted toting him around downtown Denver in his fancy cat-pack (a kitty0friendly backpack). You can see more antics on Ka$h’s Instagram: @kash_meow_side.
+ To learn more on how to adopt or help furry friends on your own, visit The Denver Dumb Friends League

International Rescue Committee
In college, Kady spent a summer abroad and it opened her eyes to how lucky we are to live in a country like ours. She believes that everyone should have the right to create and live their lives the way they choose; where you are born should not dictate your circumstances. As such, Kady supports the International Rescue Committee in their efforts to provide assistance to those whose lives have been shattered by conflict and disaster to regain control of their future.
+ To learn more, please visit IRC–Denver

The Cornerstone Program
Charlene has been very involved with The Cornerstone Program since 2017—an enthusiastic sobriety program for young people and their families. Charlene’s involvement has been enriching, stimulating and informational. She continues to enjoy the time she spends volunteering and the impact it has on our community.
+ To learn more, please visit The Cornerstone Program

Wellshire Presbyterian Church
Jll has been a member of Wellshire for over 20 years and the church has offered her abundant opportunities to serve others through both local and global missions. She has volunteered her time to care for infants, teach children, escort elderly in need of physical assistance, lead a young families group, as well as serve in leadership capacity. All of the volunteer opportunities at Wellshire have allowed her to grow as a human while working side-by-side with people who want the very best for her.
+ For more information about Wellshire, click here

Crohn's & Colitis Foundation
Heather became involved with this organization after a close friend’s diagnosis over four years ago. The Crohn's & Colitis Foundation is the leader in research, education and patient support for Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. She serves as a committee member for the planning and execution of the Distinction Awards committee – their biggest fundraiser of the year.
+ To learn more, please visit the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Running and raising money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society became a priority for Heather when her uncle was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. She has run two marathons—the Nike Women’s Marathon and the Denver Marathon—to raise awareness and necessary funds for the organization for research, patient support, and policy and advocacy.
+ To learn more, please visit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Colorado State University
Molly was originally introduced to the faculty as a recruiter/accountant at her previous job. She loved being on campuses and sharing her knowledge with students, so when the faculty circled back around and asked her to present, she couldn’t refuse. She now volunteers her time as a speaker on CSU’s campus for intro accounting and junior level classes. Molly loves working with students who are thirsty for knowledge and excited about the future. She’s had a bit of a different journey in the world of accounting and this is an opportunity to share that adventure with students.
+ To learn more, please visit CSU

Girl Scouts
Heather’s commitment to the Girl Scouts goes beyond her 10 years of volunteering—she’s also been a Troop Leader for two different troops. With community service at its core, her troops have supported ALS, worked with Volunteers of America, donated cookies to Judy’s House, donated art supplies to Children’s Hospital, collected stuffed animals for Catholic Charity Resources, and participated in local park clean up. Additionally, they have summited a “14er”, gone snowshoeing, done primitive camping, hiked all over Colorado, and a lot more outdoor activities. Both troops have earned their Bronze Award: one is working on Silver, the other on Gold—the highest award.
+ To learn more, please visit the Girl Scouts

Girl Scouts
Heather’s commitment to the Girl Scouts goes beyond her 10 years of volunteering—she’s also been a Troop Leader for two different troops. With community service at its core, her troops have supported ALS, worked with Volunteers of America, donated cookies to Judy’s House, donated art supplies to Children’s Hospital, collected stuffed animals for Catholic Charity Resources, and participated in local park clean up. Additionally, they have summited a “14er”, gone snowshoeing, done primitive camping, hiked all over Colorado, and a lot more outdoor activities. Both troops have earned their Bronze Award: one is working on Silver, the other on Gold—the highest award.
+ To learn more, please visit the Girl Scouts