Current Contractor Resources

Are you currently a contractor for J2T working for one of our clients? Here is the information you need to know:

Important Information

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the attendance policy?
A: We recommend keeping days/time off to a minimum, especially while contracting, however, if you do need to miss work - please notify your J2T representative as well as your employer as soon as you know you need time off. A no call/no show will be grounds for immediate termination.

Q: How often do I get paid?
A: Weekly, as long as you submit your timecard in time.

Q: When is my weekly timecard due?
A: Your supervisor needs to approve it by noon CST Monday, for the week prior - we recommend submitting it Fridays by end of day.

Q: How do I submit my hours?
A: People 2.0 will detail this in your new-hire documents, but if you need it - the timecard portal can be accessed here.

Q: What happens if I forget to submit my timecard?
A: You'll still get paid, however, if you miss the payroll deadline, you will be paid the following week.

Q: When do I get my first paycheck? How often do I get paid?
A: Because all banks vary, your pay could come early. Having said that, paychecks are paid in arrears and are electronically deposited the Friday following your work week in question. Some small banks have been known to deposit funds as soon as Tuesday, however, Friday is the true payday. Anything earlier is due to your own bank and can be discussed with them on your own.

Q: Does J2T offer health insurance?
A: Yes, benefits are handled through People 2.0. You will get information with your new-hire paperwork or you can ask your People 2.0 representative any specific questions regarding your benefits.

Q: Who will send me my W2 and 1095-C information?
A: That will come from People 2.0. It is your responsibility to notify them of any address changes. Simply contact your People 2.0 representative and they can take care of it right away.